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Lisboa – Urban Sketchers

Lisboa – Urban Sketchers
148 pages
Publisher – ZestBooks
Sizes – 21,5 x 15 cm


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Lisboa – Urban Sketchers
“Cities are made of experiences and sensations, of perceptions and feelings. Hence it is impossible to capture the essence of a city in a perfect photograph.

The actual image, even in three dimensions, does not have so much of the human interpretation that it allows to feel the way the architecture forms in color, and the sounds in strokes. Hence, drawing, in particular the sketch, is the ideal and human way of seeing a city, in this case Lisbon, by the eyes of those who not only know it, but love it and live it.
This is a Lisbon with several eyes, reflecting different ages and perceptions, experiences and different ways of expressing what each one feels. The spaces present were designed by each of the designers based on their history and what they feel Lisbon is and how it should be shown.
We hope that this Lisbon of many can also be yours, a city that, besides accumulating pieces of real time, joins pieces of the time of others.

Draw Lisbon, you will see with different eyes. “